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Easy and Secure online giving
to our Parish
It is possible to give online using
Give A Little
The Parish Giving Scheme
Links for both can be found below
Give A Little - general giving
Please visit the web page here
Give A Little - heating project
Please visit the web page here
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)


The PGS provides a simple and secure online way to set up a donation to our parish.

This can be a regular donation by direct debit or a one-off donation.


Your giving helps fund all aspects of our budget

including the cost of clergy and the upkeep of our building.


Giving:  One of the really important ways that each of us lives our faith and participates in the mission of the Church, is through the act of giving. We may find joy in the spontaneity of a one-off gift when the Spirit moves us, or we may want to give regularly as a prayerful expression of faith in action. Regular giving sustains our church and helps us to plan for the future.

Safe and easy:  The team at PGS makes it safe and easy for you to give, and just as safe and easy for your church to receive. Every pound you donate will be put to Christian service in your community, free from time-consuming admin for church volunteers. All of your donation from regular giving goes to St Peter’s Church; none is retained by the PGS. The Parish, however, pays a small transaction fee to cover the costs of processing a one -off gift. 


Adjusting your giving:  There’s also an option for you to increase your regular gift annually to keep pace with the rising cost of living, with the peace of mind that you can adjust your donation at any time if your circumstances change.


Gift Aid:  If you are a UK taxpayer you can opt to add Gift Aid, increasing the value of your donation by 25%, which PGS will collect from HMRC on our behalf.


The videos below describe the scheme for regular or occasional givers.


Donors who would like to make use of the online service from PGS can simply visit 

our PGS donation page

and follow a few simple steps to set up your donation securely. 


Alternatively, you can set up your gift by phoning the PGS team on 0333 002 1271,

Monday to Friday, 9-5.


If you’d like to know more, please get in touch with your PGS representative for St Peter's: 

Paul Steggles:  01386 882049  ;  or email



This video introduces the scheme for regular giving:




















This video explains how you can make a one-off donation using a guest account:





















This video explains how you can make a one-off donation when logged in to an account:






















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