Welcome to
St Peter's Church
“… on this rock I will build my church …”
A Church Near You: We also have Web pages on the A Church Near You site.
Explore Churches: We have a page on Explore Churches - the perfect place to discover a love for churches and to find out all the information you need to visit them.
Location: You will find St Peter’s on Main Street in the village of Dumbleton, situated just inside the county of Gloucestershire and on the edge of the Cotswolds (WR11 7TG). There has been Christian worship on this site from Norman times and probably earlier.
Our church is in the Church of England Diocese of Gloucester and in the Tewkesbury and Winchcombe Deanery. Winchcombe is the lead parish in our area. Its web site can be found here.
You can read more about the history of St Peter Dumbleton here and read about restoration work here.
Open times: Normally, the church is opened every day at around 9 am and locked at dusk.
Incumbent: Our vicar is the Revd Julia Hook. She can be contacted by phone (01242 620636 or 07715 953076) email (julia.hook@btinternet.com) or by post at: The Vicarage, Church Road, Alderton, GL20 8NR.
Services: Our aim is to bring the message of Christ to our village and neighbourhood. You are warmly invited to join us at our services. Normally these are:
1st Sunday in the month: 10.30 am: Parish Communion from Common Worship.
3rd Sunday in the month: 10.30 am: Morning Prayers, communion or alternative form of service.
Please note that families are especially welcome and normally there is an area where children can go to play during the service.
There are three other churches in our benefice. When there is no service in Dumbleton, you are welcome to worship at one of the other churches. See here for details of services and locations.
Safeguarding: Safeguarding is at the heart of our Christian faith and refers to the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture in all our churches. More details are given on our Safeguarding page.
Churchyard: The regulations concerning burials and memorials etc in our churchyard are defined by the Diocese. They can be read here.
You can see a record of the churchyard monuments and of monuments inside the church building on this page.
Events: Social and other events organised by our church council can be found here.
Newsletters: Our latest newsletters are available here.
Weddings: We are fortunate that many couples choose to have their wedding service in our church and join us at our services both before and after their marriage. There have been over twenty weddings in some years. More details are on our weddings page.
Choir: We have a joint church choir with St Margaret’s Alderton and always welcome new members. Our organist and choirmaster is John Debenham.
Bells: We have a fine set of six bells dating from 1729 and hung in a cast iron frame. The frame is the first of its type and was made by John Taylor of Loughborough in 1892. The bells and frame were restored in 2013. An active band of bell ringers ring on alternate weeks at Dumbleton or Alderton. Practice night is Wednesday and the ringers welcome visiting ringers and also anyone interested in learning to ring. Please contact the tower captain Paul Smith (07563 153934).
Giving: Whether you wish to give regularly or make a donation, please contact our treasurer Paul Steggles (01386 882049). You can also now set up a regular or one-off donation online. Please see details on our giving page.
Our church now has toilet facilities including a baby changing unit. The facilities are suitable for use by the disabled. We also now have a servery/kitchen in the north transept which has been cleared of pews and can be used as a meeting/social area. The servery includes a dish washer and a sink with a boiling water tap. A trolley can be wheeled out to provide a surface for serving refreshments.
If you would like to make use of these new facilities by holding an event in church please contact us by email at gailbraham@aol.com
Vicar: Revd Julia Hook (01242 620636 or 07715 953076)
Secretary & Wedding clerk: Tricia Steggles (01386 882049)
Safeguarding officer: Gail Braham (gailbraham@aol.com)
Treasurer: Paul Steggles (01386 882049)
Bell-ringing captain: Paul Smith (07563 153934)
or contact us by email at info@stpetersdumbleton.org.uk
Welcome to
St Peter's Church
“… on this rock I will build my church …”
A Church Near You: We also have Web pages on the A Church Near You site.
Explore Churches: We have a page on Explore Churches - the perfect place to discover a love for churches and to find out all the information you need to visit them.
Location: You will find St Peter’s on Main Street in the village of Dumbleton, situated just inside the county of Gloucestershire and on the edge of the Cotswolds (WR11 7TG). There has been Christian worship on this site from Norman times and probably earlier.
Our church is in the Church of England Diocese of Gloucester. You can read more about St Peter's history here and read about restoration work here.
Open times: Normally, the church is opened every day at around 9 am and locked at dusk.
Incumbent: Our vicar is the Revd Julia Hook. She can be contacted by phone (01242 620636 or 07715 953076) email (julia.hook@btinternet.com) or by post at: The Vicarage, Church Road, Alderton, GL20 8NR.
Services: Our aim is to bring the message of Christ to our village and neighbourhood. You are warmly invited to join us at our services. Normally these are:
1st Sunday in the month: 10.30 am: Morning Prayers, communion or alternative form of service.
3rd Sunday in the month: 10.30 am: Parish Communion from Common Worship.
Please note that families are especially welcome and normally there is an area where children can go to play during the service.
There are three other churches in our benefice. When there is no service in Dumbleton, you are welcome to worship at one of the other churches. See here for details of services and locations.
Safeguarding: Safeguarding is at the heart of our Christian faith and refers to the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture in all our churches. More details are given on our Safeguarding page.
Churchyard: The regulations concerning burials and memorials etc in our churchyard are defined by the Diocese. They can be read here.
Events: Social and other events organised by our church council can be found here.
Newsletters: Our latest newsletters are available here.
Weddings: We are fortunate that many couples choose to have their wedding service in our church and join us at our services both before and after their marriage. There have been over twenty weddings in some years. More details are on our weddings page.
Choir: We have a joint church choir with St Margaret’s Alderton and always welcome new members. Our organist and choirmaster is John Debenham.
Bells: We have a fine set of six bells dating from 1729 and hung in a cast iron frame. The frame is the first of its type and was made by John Taylor of Loughborough in 1892. The bells and frame were restored in 2013. An active band of bell ringers ring on alternate weeks at Dumbleton or Alderton. Practice night is Wednesday and the ringers welcome visiting ringers and also anyone interested in learning to ring. Please contact the tower captain Paul Smith (07563 153934).
Giving: Whether you wish to give regularly or make a donation, please contact our treasurer Paul Steggles (01386 882049). You can also now set up a regular donation online. Please see details on our giving page.
New activities in church: As a result of the REFRESH Project, our church now has toilet facilities including a baby changing unit. The facilities are suitable for use by the disabled. We also now have a servery/kitchen in the north transept which has been cleared of pews and can be used as a meeting/social area. The servery includes a dish washer and a sink with a boiling water tap. A trolley can be wheeled out to provide a surface for serving refreshments.
If you would like to make use of these new facilities by holding an event in church please contact us by email at gailbraham@aol.com
Vicar: Revd Julia Hook (01242 620636 or 07715 953076)
Wedding clerk: Tricia Steggles (01386 882049)
Safeguarding officer: Gail Braham (gailbraham@aol.com)
Treasurer: Paul Steggles (01386 882049)
Bell-ringing captain: Paul Smith (07563 153934)
or contact us by email at info@stpetersdumbleton.org.uk